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5-1. 영어원서 Holes - Louis Sachar chapter 4, 5, 6


by yaddayadda 2020. 5. 1. 11:30






안녕하세요, 야다입니다.




오늘은 chapter 5-6을 읽었어요, 어제 읽은 chaper 4의 내용까지 정리해 보자면!

주인공인 스탠리(Stanley)가 지도자 Pendenski를 따라 침대를 배정받고 같이 생활하게 될 Squid, Magnet, Armpit, Zigzag, Zero, X-Ray를 만나고 왜 주인공이 Camp green lake에 왔는지가 밝혀졌어요.




아직까지는 벌써 두 번 이나 읽었던 부분이라 모르는 단어는 있어도 왠지 친숙한 문장들이라 금방 읽고 있어요 ㅋㅋ








Chapter 4


Stanley felt somewhat dazed as the guard unlocked his handcuffs and led him off the bus. He'd been on the bus for over eight hours.

*somewhat : 다소

*dazed : 멍한





As Stanley read the sign he couldn't help but think, Well, duh!

*couldn't help but think : ~ 하다고 생각하지 않을 수 없었다.





A man was sitting with his feet up on a desk.

*feet up : 발을 올려놓다.





Stanley got dressed.

*get dressed : 옷을 입다.





* Five feet : 152.4cm





"No one is going to baby-sit you," he added.

*baby-sit : (아이를) 돌봐주다.





"I'm not going to run away, " Stanley said.

*run away : 도망치다





You'll be buzzard food in three days.

*buzzard food : 독수리 먹이

*in three days : 3일 안에





"Well, you better get used to it. You're going to be thirsty for the next eighteen months."

*better get used to it : 익숙해지는 게 더 좋다.









Chapter 5


Otherwise you wouldn't be here.

*otherwise : 그렇지 않으면





*Two feet : 60.96cm





"If you have questions, Theodore will help you. You got that, Theodore. I'm depending on you."

*depend on : ~을 믿다, 의지하다







Chapter 6



Stanley took a shower-if you could call it that, ate dinner-if you could call it that, and went to bed-if you could call his smelly and scratchy cot a bed.

*if you could call it : 그것을 ~라고 부를 수 있다면/말할 수 있다면





He kept stepping into, then jumping back from, the spray, until the water shut off automatically.

*step into : ~로 들어가다

*jump back : 뛰어나가다.

*shut off : 멈추다.





, he was actually excited about the prospect of meeting his hero.

*prospect  : 가능성





He barely fit in it.

*barely : 간신히, 






Stanley told the truth, but perhaps it would have been better if he had lied a little.

*would have been better : ~(하는 것)이 나았을 것이다.




"Vacancies don't last long at Camp Green Lake."

*last : 오래가다








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